The Giant's Causeway is a group of unusually shaped rocks on the coast of Northern Ireland, which were formed by a flow of lava into the sea. It was declared a Word Heritage in 1986.
As we know Ireland is a country full of mystical legends and of course there is one about the Giant's Causeway.
It is said that Fionn mac Cumhaill (Finn McCool) built the Causeway to walk to Scotland in order to fight his Scottish opponent Benandonner. There are two versions of this legend.
One is that Finn McCool fell asleep before he went to Scotland. As a consequence the more powerful Benandonner crossed the bridge looking for him. Oonagh, Fionn’s wife, wanted to protect her hunsband and laid a blanket over him. Moreover, she pretented he was Fionn’s baby son. As you can imagine Benandonner saw the enourmous size of the baby and pictured Fionn as gigantic and unconquerable.
Another version is that Fionn begged his wife to disguise him as a baby after seeing Benandonner.
However, in both versions Benandonner left Nothern Ireland scared. To make sure that Fionn wouldn’t follow him, he splitted up the Causeway.
So, do you believe it :)???
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