You own at least five pairs of flip flops
You know someone who's been struck by lightning
You're more scared of the freaks who live down the street than gators
Your backyard is sometimes a swamp
You're officially sick of Disney
You shrug off hurricane warnings
You've been permanently blinded by fat men in speedos
There are only two seasons - hot and hotter
You've drank a flaming alligator
You actually get these jokes and pass them on to other friends from Florida
Link: http://www.blogthings.com (follow the link to draw a conclusion about people from other states)
Prof. Newman was anxious to give us some essential and funny details about America. Topics like geography, stereotypes, polls about America ect. were covered.
Here are some of the stereotypes: Americans are loud, nice, warm-hearted, outgoing, helpful, full of self-confidence, pushy, overpowering, talk a lot, brash, over weighted…
Here are more links if you are interested in exploring America on your own:
Here are some of the stereotypes: Americans are loud, nice, warm-hearted, outgoing, helpful, full of self-confidence, pushy, overpowering, talk a lot, brash, over weighted…
Here are more links if you are interested in exploring America on your own:
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